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Who is the brand? Hiway

Who is the LP? 7Acres 

Where is the growing region? Kincardine, ON

Organic? No

Irradiation? Not Specified but 7Acres has been known to irradiate their flower.

 Soil medium? Not specified. They grow Hydroponically. Possibly Rockwool.

Trim Method? Machine Trim/Hand Finish

Craft? No.

Cure process? Not Specified.

Packaging? Plastic tubes for pre-rolls and vapes. Plastic jars for flower.

What makes them stand out? They are a value brand. Their prices are much lower than others on the market. This is a good option for people who are not looking to spend a lot on their cannabis and who don’t care about terpene dominant, craft products.

Community involvement/Do they give back? Nothing that I could find

Women owned/Bipoc Owned? No.